Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ryan Dailey's Beard Bio:

Why did you grow a Beard?
-At the gentle urging of my friend, who has a killer beard himself, I decided to give it a try.Also, FUCK PAYING THIRTY BUCKS FOR RAZOR BLADES!!!

What length or style are you going for? Is there a length you feel is to long?
- I am just letting this thing grow and watching to see what happens.....

Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough?
-Honestly, not really.....It wasn't until I realized that I had a fat face in high school that I wanted one. Up until my divorce, I rocked sideburns or trendy chinstraps......

What’s your favorite Beard Quote?
- “You cannot grow a beard in a moment of passion.” G.K Chesterton

Describe your Beard in one word.

Do you recommend other men to grow Beards?
- Only if they choose.Not everyone can pull this look off.

Do ever shave or plan on shaving your Beard in the future? If so, why?
- I actually plan on keeping this one for awhile. It has grown on me.
HAHA! um, yeah......

What grooming techniques do you perform on your facial hair?
- Shampoo, condition and brush everyday. No special stuff, just what I use on my head.

What do you like most about your Beard?
-The color and the thickness.

How do you deal with comments from friends/family/coworkers,etc?
- Actually, most are pretty supportive of my growth. The ones that aren't can't grow a beard to begin with, so I laugh and mock them...

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