Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bear Rodriguez's Beard Bio:

Bear Rodriguez's Beard Bio:

Why did you grow a Beard?
- mostly out of laziness. i got tired of shaving. now, i dont like my face when i do decide from time to time to shave it off.

Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough?
- i never gave it any thought.

What’s your favorite Beard Quote? 
- "You've Got To Grow One To Get To Know One"

What first motivated you to grow a Beard? 
 - I went to europe for two weeks during the summer after junior year of high school and never shaved while i was there. When i got back, i walked off the plane with a full beard and my mom didnt recognize me.

Do you recommend other men to grow Beards?
- its hard to trust a fella that doesnt

If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair?
- im currently single, but havnt had a complaint from a lady yet. has any beardy's partner? just ask a pair of thighs. they'll agree.

How long have you been growing Beards? 
- consistenly since 2004. once this 'hip to have a beard' thing ends, im screwed.

What do you like most about your Beard? 
 - i like that, even though its mostly black, i have light red and gray hairs in it. its like all the colors of the rainbow. also, there's a pot of gold inside.

Do you Idolize someone’s Beard? (Famous or Not.) If so, who and why?
- man...andy williams from Every Time I Die has one of the greatest beards on a living human being or animal i've ever seen. i dont even listen or particularly like etid, but i wanna get my hands inside that beard. i almost went and saw them live a few months ago just to see it in person.

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