Monday, August 23, 2010

Andy Smith's Beard Bio:

Little did this gent know that my first ever beard crush was on Paul Bunyan. I have a total thing for lumber jacks and pancakes.

Andy Smith's Beard Bio:

Age of beard: 13 months
Style: Mountain Man

Why did you grow a beard?
- I grew my current beard because I discovered Beard Team USA on the internet. I wanted to go to a beard contest so bad.

Did you ever want to grow a beard before you were old enough?

If so, were there any influences to that decision?
- When I was a young lad, I was reading about Paul Bunyan. I knew that I wanted a beard because he was awesome.

What's your favorite beard quote?
- The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but how far his beard hangs over his chest.- Martin Luther King Jr.

Does your beard have a nickname. If so, what is it, and how did you get it?
- Nope.

What first motivated you to grow a beard?
- Drew Rhoulette, the bass player of dredg had one.

Do you recommend other men to grow beards?
- Hell yeah! Stick it to the man, gentlemen.

If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair?
- I'm single.

How long have you been growing beards?
- I've had some sort of facial hair ever since I was 15 or 16.

What do you like most about your beard?
- I like that when I step outside on a windy day, I can feel the wind carry it away.

How do you deal with comments from friends/family/coworkers?
- I tell them to f*@k off. I don't care who they are. I like my beard and I'm the one who has to wear it everyday, not them.

Do you idolize someone's beard? (Famous or not).  If so, who and why?
- Jack Passion and Burke Kenny are my inspirations. Jack and Burke are my age, not many guys in their twenties decide to grow their beard to terminal length. I met them recently at the beard nationals in Oregon. They were real cool dudes!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jason Spencer's Beard Bio:

The first beard from The BEARD TEAM USA!! Is here. If you haven't checked out the Beard team U.S.A yet; please do!

Jason W. Spencer's Beard Bio:

Why did you grow a Beard?
- I grew a beard initially just to experiment with a different look & to keep my face warm in the winter months.           

What length or style are you going for? Is there a length you feel is to long?
-  The style I currently have would be considered a garibaldi beard. I want my beard to grow as long as possible.   

Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough?If so, was there any influences to that decision?
-   Yes, my dad wore a beard & I always wanted one. I actually started shaving in the 6th grade.        

What’s your favorite Beard Quote?
-   A beard is a sign of virality, it's our human plumage. - Jack Passion        

Does your Beard have a nickname. If so, what is it, and how did you get it?
-  I don't have a nickname for my beard.        

What first motivated you to grow a Beard?
-  My first motivation for growing a beard was to keep warm during the cold months.         

Describe your Beard in one word.
-  To describe my beard in one word I'd say, 'full'.          

Do you recommend other men to grow Beards?
-   Yes, I recommend every man to grow a beard because it's an ultimate sign of manhood.        

Do you feel there's any downfalls to growing beard? If so,what are they?
-  I see no downfalls in growing a beard.         

Do shave or plan on shaving your Beard in the future? If so, why?
- I do not plan on shaving at all.            

What grooming techniques do you perform on your facial hair?
- I shampoo & condition my beard every other day.          

If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair?
-   My girlfriend doesn't mind my beard, she's very supportive.       

How long have you been growing Beards?
-  I grew my first full beard when I was a sophomore in high school. I've been growing my current beard since October '09.         

What do you like most about your Beard?
-  I like the fact that I have good facial hair genes.         

How do you deal with comments from friends/family/coworkers,etc?
-  I take comments with a grain of salt. I've had some good ones & some odd looks but I think the odd looks are due to jealousy.          

Any Beard achievements, you're especially proud of?
-  I have the longest beard out of over 200 employees I work with.         

Do you have any word's of wisdom for future Beard growers?
-  My advice would be to not follow fads. Be a proud beard farmer.          

Do you Idolize someone's Beard? (Famous or Not.) If so, who and why?
- My beard idol is Burke Kenny, his beard is all encompassing, thick & full.         

Andrew Wilson's Beard Bio:

These Bio's keep getting better and better. Also I think communicating with the gents lead to better overall questions. 

Andrew 'Drew' Wilson's Beard Bio:

Why did you grow a Beard?
- many reasons, 1 being that i love the look and 2 that im too idle to shave daily.

Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough? 
- ive always been a fan of magnificent beards.

If so, was there any influences to that decision? 
- i like to climb mountains and am a fan of extreme sports and most participants in these fields tend to wear some form of facial hair :-D

What’s your favorite Beard Quote? 
- if your dad hasnt got a beard then you have got two mums :-))

Does your Beard have a nickname. If so, what is it, and how did you get it? 
- erm... nope lol

What first motivated you to grow a Beard? 
- back in the day film stars were only cool if they had designer stubble, i think that probably influenced me as a teen.

Describe your Beard in one word.
- therapeutic, i sat here thinking of an answer to your question whilst stroking my chin, hence the answer.

Do you recommend other men to grow Beards? 
- oh yeah deffo, me n my mate have beard growth challenges and also tried to bring back the moustache once lol

Do you feel there's any downfalls to growing beard? If so, what are they?
- professional social un-acceptance, having to trim in favor of looking smart.
I'm sorry society is down right cruel at times.

- its not cruel... its uneducated!

If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair? 
- she thinks i look strange without one now.

How long have you been growing Beards? 
- since ive been able to. i tend to trim it to keep it tidy nowadays as i have a professional career which involves meeting other professionals :-(

What do you like most about your Beard? 
- all the hair!

How do you deal with comments from friends/family/coworkers,etc? 
- people have accepted my choice to hide my dazzling good looks behind my facial wig.

Do you Idolize someone's Beard? (Famous or Not.) If so, who and why? 
- it might sound stupid but johnny depp... he was a clean faced superstar who took the brave choice of growing a (lets face it) not so popular with the ladies face fuzz. I admire him for choosng individualty over popularity.

Bear Rodriguez's Beard Bio:

Bear Rodriguez's Beard Bio:

Why did you grow a Beard?
- mostly out of laziness. i got tired of shaving. now, i dont like my face when i do decide from time to time to shave it off.

Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough?
- i never gave it any thought.

What’s your favorite Beard Quote? 
- "You've Got To Grow One To Get To Know One"

What first motivated you to grow a Beard? 
 - I went to europe for two weeks during the summer after junior year of high school and never shaved while i was there. When i got back, i walked off the plane with a full beard and my mom didnt recognize me.

Do you recommend other men to grow Beards?
- its hard to trust a fella that doesnt

If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair?
- im currently single, but havnt had a complaint from a lady yet. has any beardy's partner? just ask a pair of thighs. they'll agree.

How long have you been growing Beards? 
- consistenly since 2004. once this 'hip to have a beard' thing ends, im screwed.

What do you like most about your Beard? 
 - i like that, even though its mostly black, i have light red and gray hairs in it. its like all the colors of the rainbow. also, there's a pot of gold inside.

Do you Idolize someone’s Beard? (Famous or Not.) If so, who and why?
- man...andy williams from Every Time I Die has one of the greatest beards on a living human being or animal i've ever seen. i dont even listen or particularly like etid, but i wanna get my hands inside that beard. i almost went and saw them live a few months ago just to see it in person.

Clint Warren's Beard Bio:

Finally ... Someone did it right ;) This man made my day when I opened his email that stated, "Hope I did it all right... if not I can edit. Great site by the way!"

Clint Warren's Beard Bio:

Your Name: Clint Warren
Age of Beard: 8 years with yearly trim
Style: The unkempt philosopher

Why did you grow a Beard? 
- Honestly, I decided shaving was not for me. I don’t care what people think of my looks… so why put effort into grooming?

Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough?
- Yes. I knew from an early age that I would be fully bearded… or die trying.

If so, was there any influences to that decision?
- I always liked early psychologists like Pavlov and philosophers like William James and Socrates. 

What’s your favorite Beard Quote?
- Can’t recall a quote… but there was a FB page once that claimed that growing a beard was more impressive than growing a baby inside a womb! That was funny.

Does your Beard have a nickname. If so, what is it, and how did you get it?
- Nope. Sorry.

What first motivated you to grow a Beard?
- Lack of motivation… to shave.

Do you recommend other men to grow Beards?
- Bottom line… there is a secret that bearded men know about that others don’t… I could get in trouble for telling… but here goes. It’s called beard merit. Straight dudes will buy you beers at bars… you miraculously get backstage at concerts… bosses adore you.  A great beard is like a key to the universe.

If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair?
- My girlfriend loves it. She didn’t early on… but she recognizes the Sampson-like power it gives me and she has become content in basking in its mighty shadow.

How long have you been growing Beards?
- Sported goatee as a teen… sans mustache. I would shave my upper lip and under my burns with shaving cream and razor. I got tired of that masochistic slavery.

What do you like most about your Beard?
- Beard merit for sure… seriously. And once you become a beard muse there is no end to the adoration one receives. A beard muse has the power to awaken ‘the urge’ inside any young gent that sets eyes upon his majestic overgrowth.

How do you deal with comments from friends/family/coworkers,etc?
- I have been called Jewish, Amish, Terrorist by strangers… people who actually know me just say how much they envy me… not with words… but with the whole of their being.

Do you Idolize someone's Beard? (Famous or Not.) If so, who and why?
- William James, farther of experimental psychology and popularizer of pragmatism, sported a mean beard. That dude just looks like a man… like if you compared a picture of him with any other dude you could instantly tell who the boss was. Like if he were ever disappointed in you… you would be crushed and cry like a baby.

Justin Kenny's Beard Bio:

The first of what I hope will be many beard bios ... and hopefully I won't have to beg for them. Anyways. As promised ...

As call him ... Justin C.K.

Why did you grow a Beard?
     - Because beards are fucking awesome.

Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough?
If so, was there any influences to that decision?
     - My dad and grandpa always had beards, and I always thought beards made you look more   manly.

What’s your favorite Beard Quote?
    -I don't think I know any beard quotes.

Does your Beard have a nickname. If so, what is it, and how did you get it?

What first motivated you to grow a Beard?
   - To cover up my hideous face.

Do you recommend other men to grow Beards?
    -Absolutely. I forced my friend Davy Glassycocky to grow a giant Galifianakis beard, because he can, and I can't. It was magnificent.

If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair?
   -My ex girlfriend hated it, and if you'll notice, she is my EX girlfriend...

How long have you been growing Beards?
    -I grew my first real beard at about age 19.

What do you like most about your Beard?
   -That it's fucking awesome!!!! And that it turns on one particular lady a whole lot.
What lady?
   -You, dummy!

Do you Idolize someone’s Beard? (Famous or Not.) If so, who and why?
    -Galifianakis really has the most amazing, full, lush beard. I would kill half the people I know for that beard.