Jason Zimmerman's Beard Bio:
Age: 37
Beard Age: 6yrs, and going strong!
Beard Style: This is my 3rd full length beard.
Why did you grow a Beard?
-I've always liked'em! I grew up being influenced by them in art, literature, t.v. religion, you name it!What length or style are you going for? Is there a length you feel is to long?
-I found my style and am very happy with it! I've tied my beard into my shoe laces by accident before, that was too long.-I caught it in the zipper of my pants, that was too long.
Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough?
-Hell, yeah! I had the crappy pubescent mustache as soon as it came in! If so, was there any influences to that decision?
-Being born in '73, I was privileged with an abundance of good role models.
What’s your favorite Beard Quote?
-Beards don't kill people...people with beards kill people!
Does your Beard have a nickname. If so, what is it, and how did you get it?
What first motivated you to grow a Beard?
-I've known from early childhood I was gonna be bald, so I never really got too attached to a hair style or gave that much attention. I knew the beard was going to be all I had!
Describe your Beard in one word.
Do you recommend other men to grow Beards?
-I do, all the time, if it interests them! I recommend people just be themselves. If a beard is you, then be you.
Do you feel there's any downfalls to growing beard? If so,what are they?
-I've been labeled (whatever people find convenient) and singled out most of my life. Be prepared to not only be a 'visible minority' but also an advocate and representative for facial hair. Get used to LOTS of questions. The same questions!
Do ever shave or plan on shaving your Beard in the future? If so, why?
-No, not for me, but if my girlfriend were to ask me to, I would, to please her. (even if it was only once, love is sacrifice, after all!)
What grooming techniques do you perform on your facial hair?
-Way to many to mention here. I go though more effort and grooming than a 'shaver' ever will...
If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair?
-I'm accepted, this is how she knows me. She loves me as I am!
How long have you been growing Beards?
-Puberty-ish 20+yrs.
What do you like most about your Beard?
-The myriad of colors, textures and personalities each hair has.
How do you deal with comments from friends/family/coworkers,etc?
-With patience, mostly!
Have you ever experienced any rejection because of your beard?
-My whole bearded life! Until recently, very few girls have found me attractive, at all! Now that I've found my soul-mate, it doesn't really matter now!
Any Beard achievements, you're especially proud of?
-2 of them: I reached my terminal length, and it was at a little over 2ft long! (just the terminal ends, but still!!)
Do you have any word's of wisdom for future Beard growers?
-Brush regularly, if it's thick. I highly recommend jojoba oil as a leave in, I use it regularly, on the days I don't condition (never shampoo everyday, it destroys your hair!)
Do you Idolize someone's Beard? (Famous or Not.) If so, who and why?
-Idolize? No. Each beard is as unique as the face it's on. What you can grow is genetic, there is very little you can do to change that.
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