Name: Billy Prevatte
Age: 33
Age of beard: 2yrs.
Style: full
* Why did you grow a Beard?
A: Because I wanted to see what it would look like grown out and I to hide the non-defining chin that I have. Plus beards are Awesome!!!
* What length or style are you going for? Is there a length you feel is to long?
A: I guess the style would be full and no I don't think so. If you're able to grow a beard to your feet then by all means do so.
* Did you ever want to grow a Beard before you were old enough?
A: No, the thought never crossed my mind.
* What’s your favorite Beard Quote?
A: "It's not a beard, it's an animal I've trained to sit very still." ~Bill Bailey
* Does your Beard have a nickname. If so, what is it, and how did you get it?
A: It dosen't have a nickname as of yet. But i've been called ZZ Top way too many times.
* What first motivated you to grow a Beard?
A: There is a guy in my hometown named Matt Richardson that has a super badass beard. He's only a few years older than me but has this cool ass 70's biker looking beard.Too bad he isn't on Facebook and I'm pretty sure he's not even aware of Beard Team USA.
* Describe your Beard in one word.
A: Comfy
* Do you recommend other men to grow Beards?
A: Yes I do! Not enough facial hair in the world!
* Do you feel there's any downfalls to growing beard? If so,what are they?
A: Sometimes.I love food and it can get quite messy at times. I get a little anxiety while eating out in public.
* Do ever shave or plan on shaving your Beard in the future? If so, why?
A: I don't plan on it in the near future but, may cut it one day to please my wife. :)
* What grooming techniques do you perform on your facial hair?
A: I wash it with a shampoo that has olive oil as an ingredient and condition it everyonce in a while.I brush it once daily and sometimes take Biotin a hair and nail growth supplement.Just recently gave it a hot oil treatment.
* If you have a spouse/partner; how do they feel about your choice of facial hair?
A:My wife completely hates it,but puts up with it because she loves me.
* How long have you been growing Beards?
A:I've had some type of facial hair going ever since I left the military back in 1996.
* What do you like most about your Beard?
A: I like that it is multi colored. I even love the grey that's coming in. Also it keeps unwanted people away.
* How do you deal with comments from friends/family/coworkers,etc?
A: I try and not let negative comments get to me. It's nice when I do get a complement.
* Have you ever experienced any rejection because of your beard?
A: Living in a semi small town I get quite a bit of odd looks and see people whispering to one another.Some kids stop dead in there tracks when I walk by and most women don't look my way lol.It's also doesn't help that my ears are stretched over an inch.
* Any Beard achievements, you're especially proud of?
A:The fact that I have been able to grow it out as long as it is. That's a great feat in it's self.
* Do you have any word's of wisdom for future Beard growers?
A: If you're able to grow one, grow it out and grow it proud!!! Sometimes I feel like I'm growing mine for all the men out there that want to grow one and can't or don't because of whatever reason they my have.Beards rule!!!!!
* Do you Idolize someone's Beard? (Famous or Not.) If so, who and why?
A: Matt Bischoff. He was one of the first bearded guys I noticed when I joined the Beard Team USA a few years back. Plus he had on a Slayer shirt in his member pic. Chawesome!!!!